Azores - São Miguel

Discover the Azores

Lost Places – Nature Always Wins

Aqueducts and other water supplies 

This is another one of those Lost Places, that used to be used for water supply. These places can be found scattered across the whole island. The most recognisable one is the aqueduct near Sete Cidades.

Aquädukt bei Sete Cidades
Aqueduct near Sete Cidades

However, you can also find abandoned pump houses in other locations, for example this one near the Lagoa Rasa: 

von Pflanzen bewachsenes Pumpenhäuschen
Pump house overgrown by plants

If you’re visiting the waterfall Janela do Inferno, you will not only be able to admire some tunnels but also an array of old bridges which fit the category Lost Places well. 

Alte Wasserüberleitung auf dem Weg zu Janela do Inferno
Old water bridge on the way to Janela do Inferno 

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